Central International Law Firm
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•  Recent Korean Patent Court Decision with regard to the Inventive Step of a Medicinal
•  Concentration of Jurisdiction of Infringement Actions of Patent Rights, etc.
•  The Scope of Protection in a Numerical Limitation Invention Which Does Not Meet
•  Supreme Court Decision on Whether a Finished Product Manufactured Outside
•  KIPO-USPTO Collaborative Search Pilot Program (CSP)
•  The 'Examination of Functionality' of a Three-Dimensional Mark Is to Be Intensified
•  Supreme Court of Korea Precedent on Claim for Return of Paid Royalties in the Case Where a Licensed Patent Becomes Invalidated
•  Proposed Revisions to Request System to Transfer Ownership of
•  Ex Officio Re-examination System after Decision to Grant a Patent
•  Recent Korean Supreme Court En Banc Decision relating to a Medicinal Use Invention
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地址: 大韓民国 首尔特别市 鐘路區 世宗大路149號 光化門大廈14樓 (03186) CENTRAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & LAW