Central International Law Firm
首页 >新闻和资料 > 业务通信和新闻稿
•  2021 Revisions to the Korean Trademark Examination Guidelines (Effective January 1, 2021)
•  The Korean Patent Court's Recent Decision on the Criteria for the Determination of a Same Invention when Filing a Divisional Application
•  Establishing the International Trial Department in which Lawsuits are Proceeded in English in the Patent Court of Korea
•  Whether a Double Limitation of Using "preferably" in the Claims Makesthe Constitution of the Invention Unclear
•  Lack of Distinctiveness and Acquired Distinctiveness under Korean Trademark Practice
•  Revisions to the Korean Patent Act relating to an Application for Patent Term Adjustments
•  Preliminary Review of Draft Amendments
•  Supreme Court Decision on the Inventive Step
•  Use of Trademarks on the Internet
•  Revisions to the Korean Patent Act to Alleviate the Difficulty in Proving Patent Infringement and Damages
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地址: 大韓民国 首尔特别市 鐘路區 世宗大路149號 光化門大廈14樓 (03186) CENTRAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & LAW