Central International Law Firm
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•  Inventive step of claims relating to a product invention (January, 2010)
•  Request for Expedited Examination Based on the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) (January, 2010)
•  Requirement for denying Inventiveness in the recent Patent Court case No. 2008 Heo 14124 decided on Oct. 23, 2009) (January, 2010)
•  Violation of the Constitution of Art. 7(3) of the Trademark Act (Constitutional Court, 2006HunBa113•114, April 30, 2009) (January, 2010)
•  Korean Government Supports Bicycle Industry Related patent applications increase dramatically… 255 applications this year (July, 2009)
•  Patentability of a Pharmaceutical Composition Defined by a Treatment Method (July, 2009)
•  Tendency of Patent Application, Examination, and Appeal in Korea (July, 2009)
•  Recent Changes in the Korean Trademark Examination Standard (2008-2009) (July, 2009)
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地址: 大韓民国 首尔特别市 鐘路區 世宗大路149號 光化門大廈14樓 (03186) CENTRAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & LAW