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If you need our legal assistance including patent, design and trademark, we wish to provide you with our professional services in all legal and intellectual property field the Republic of Korea. If you would like to receive our most current news letter, please do not hesitate to contact us.
-Judgment that the applied-for mark “월간맥주 (monthly beer)” is dissimilar with the prior-registered trademark “ 월간피자(monthly pizza)”. [Patent Court of Korea 2023 heo 13483]
-Determination of Specific Acts of Infringement and Patent Infringement of Medicinal Use Inventions (Case No.: 2023 Na 11009, Supreme Court Ruling dated September 5, 2024)
-Relationship Between the Recognition of Exception to Loss of Novelty and Freely Operated Design (2021hu10473)
-Only the Actual Inventors May be Disclosed
-Patent Court of Korea’s Decision 2023 Heo 13971, rendered on May 9, 2024: Judgment on whether proviso to Article 119(3) of Trademark Act (Justifiable grounds for non-use of trademark on trial for cancellation of registered trademark non-use) shall ap
-Determination of Which Inventions Qualify for Patent Term Extension (Supreme Court Decision 2021 Hu 11070, on July 25, 2024)
-Patent Court Case: “Impact of Inadequate compliance with Court’s Order to Submit Materials on Calculation of Damages” (Patent Court Decision No. 2022Na1449, rendered on January 25, 2024)
-Examination Guidelines from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on Inventorship in AI-Assisted Inventions
-Patent Court of Korea Rules that the Applied-for Mark “ZEZU” Is a Conspicuous Geographical Name (2023 heo 11500)
-Determination of Whether the Subject Invention Is Specified in a Trial to Confirm Scope of Rights (Supreme Court Case No. 2021Hu10725, Decided December 28, 2023)